
What is there to do?

The trotting track: event site

The trotting track is perhaps the most famous part of the Stadspark. Once built as a horse racing track, but nowadays it often hosts other events. Thanks to its location in the middle of the Stadspark, the grounds have a special atmosphere. It is no coincidence that artists like The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner and Sting chose this place for their performances. During the summer there is plenty on the program. In July and August you can visit this place for various concerts and festivals.

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Celebrate the summer

Enjoy the beautiful weather with your friends on a summer day. In the Stadspark there are more than enough places where you can do this perfectly well. Pick a nice spot by the water or enjoy a drink in the cooling shade of a large tree. Bring a picnic basket or barbecue and celebrate the summer. With whom will you have a drink in the park soon?

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The Heemtuin

In the northwest corner of the Stadspark you will find the Heemtuin. Many special plants and flowers grow in this botanical garden. The garden is divided into different areas, such as a herb garden, a sandy plain and a forest area. The natural character of the garden makes it a popular spot for birds: you can hear them whistling from the trees. Walking through the different areas will give you a moment's peace and quiet. The Heemtuin is always freely accessible.

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Fun for children

In the centre of the park lies the place for animal lovers: the petting zoo. Whereas at other petting zoos the animals are often kept in cages, here most of the animals just walk around freely. The goats and cows walk among the visitors and you can pet them if you like. Next to the petting zoo, children can ride ponies or enjoy the large playground. Feel like having a snack? Settle down on the terrace of Pavilion 't Groene Hart. The pavilion houses the nature education centre, where you can learn about nature in the city and that of the Stadspark.

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Camping Stadspark

In the back of the Stadspark lies a cosy campsite. Among the greenery, you will meet other guests from various places. Not that you necessarily have to come from far away, even as a city resident it's worth pitching your tent here. It is a pleasant place to be. The campsite is fully equipped. At the entrance to the site you will find the cosy Eethuys Stadspark. Here, even when not camping, you can always go for a nice meal.

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During a walk in the Stadspark, you will not only enjoy nature, but also various art. Scattered through the park are several special works of art. For example you will find archangel Michael, the tribute to mister Scholten, the shifted cube parts and the three wedges. Some works have been in the park since its opening in 1913, while others were added much more recently. This makes for a nice combination of modern art and older pieces.

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Apart from the bigger attractions, there is above all a lot of beautiful nature in the park. Rugged, unspoilt stretches of forest where you can take beautiful walks. And before you know it, you suddenly find yourself face to face with one of the Scottish Highlanders who live here. They live freely in a fenced-off part of the park, where you can just walk through. They won't hurt you at all, but keep a little distance. Often they are grazing in one of the fields or lounging in the shade. Young are born regularly, so with a bit of luck you might see one of those little fluffy calves.

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Disc golf

You can also go to the Stadspark if you like sports. Several sports clubs are located in the park. But you can also play a very special sport here: disc golf. It looks like golf, but with a frisbee. The have to throw the frisbee into the baskets which are scattered around the park, so you can see all sorts of things in between holes. Rent a set of frisbees with your friends at the kiosk near the petting zoo and compete against each other.

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